Libra Full Moon / Yarrow

The place where the skin is thinnest between you and I, where we can feel the warmth of each other’s blood~ Life Force dwelling within the tension of fragile veins. 

Yarrow, beloved Healer of Wounds, Coaxer of Blood, Keeper of Boundaries, is the plant which comes to mind when I think of a Moon full in Libra, staring at an Exalted Sun from across the sky. Libra may be where the Sun finds its fall, but it is the container in which dynamic exchange between the Sun and Everything Else can happen. 

Called the Soldier's Herb, Yarrow shows a Martian affinity to our blood, commanding it, drawing the lines where it can and cannot flow, summoning it when it has stalled. The Aztecs called them “Tlalquequetzal” {plume of the earth} and used the crushed leaves to beautify the face; Europeans cast love spells with its feathery foliage. Yarrow has a kinship with our skin, improving its structure, instructing its reweaving, tending to its borders. It is specifically indicated where there have been wounds ‘from a blade’, clean-edged cuts and slices that are particularly challenging for the body to heal on its own. It is here we see the Venusian influence, knitting together a responsive, sensitive skin that is both a boundary and the place where interaction happens. Our skin isn’t merely a way to keep us ‘unto ourselves’, it is the point where we are able to meet with everything else. 

As a flower essence, it is often referred to as the Healer’s Healer, it has a fondness for those who are ‘sliced’ ~ cut to the quick, especially in their work. First responders, emergency personnel, therapists, counselors, teachers, activists, those whose energetic skin takes a beating in their interactions with others. I have personally worked with Yarrow as an ally for folks with Aries Venus placements, or who have their Mars in Libra. Exiled interpersonal planets can have difficulty with boundaries, containers and the like. Yarrow helps us to hold our own even while remaining responsive to others. It offers us the movement and sensitivity of Skin rather than a cement enclosure that limits interactions with the World Outside Ourselves.


Aries New Moon / Impatiens


Pisces New Moon / Dandelion