In Which I Become “Official”

Good morning from the meadow’s edge ~

In March, I was asked by Erin Harker from The Magick Makers to join their online community as Resident AstroHerbalist.

I know. It took me a minute {and several startlingly loud shouts} to adjust to the invitation, too.

Erin has been a friend, client, coconspirator and kindred soul of mine for a while now; one of the highlights of my work in 2023 was getting to offer one of my very first astrological workshops in her Kindred Club. It was a truly lovely experience and I enjoyed it so much! I think it took me all of five minutes to shove down my tremendous self-doubt and consternation and accept her invitation.

I wrote the first astro-forecast of my residency for the New Moon in Pisces, and the kismet was something I could feel in my fingertips as I typed. Every post I write is the realization of a dream I’ve had for years - getting paid to write about plants, planets and people. Erin actively encourages my exploration of the themes I find fascinating and timely, and I feel truly seen and appreciated for my ~ rather unique~ perspective as both an astrologer and herbalist!

I consider myself to be a Place-Based Practitioner in all of my disciplines, looking to the Earth around us and the Land Bodies we haunt for a centering, grounded understanding of the cosmos at large. I’m not just interested in Scorpio as a stereotype or Buzz Feed Quiz, I want to know what Scorpio looks like as a season, as a process, what it feels like in my body, the influence it has, the alchemy it triggers in existence. I want to hold Scorpio in my hand as I work with the Plant Folk who bear its imprint, I want to understand the path and purpose of my Scorpio tinted heart.

I write my forecasts with this aim ~ I want the folks who read my words to feel a realness and a nearness to the Beings and Energies that exist here with us. I want them to ask big questions and get messy, to ”put their hands all over that shit”, as I say. This is why my forecasts focus on seasonality and ways to embody and experience astrology ~ through journaling and/or tarot reflections, somatic practices, becoming acquainted with Plant Allies, understanding planetary transits and the relationships planets have with each other.

I strive for the sweet spot of “Accessible Depth”. Not beginner, not advanced, more a smorgasbord for you to pick at or devour. I love to use metaphors and stories to offer the vastness of Space and Time in bite-sized tidbits you can hold in your hand or stick in your pocket. My years of experience as both clinical practitioner and community educator has offered me the chance to hone this skill into something of an art. Folks who’ve never seen their birth chart or are just embarking on their astro journey will find my writing surprisingly relatable with gentle stretches they can lean into to learn more. Experienced astrologers will find my unique perspective curious but engaging and may discover new ways of considering old truths.

The Kindred Club not only offers space to learn about embodied astrology, it is a kindly place in this wide, wild world to refuel and refine your own practices while engaging with like-minds and kindred hearts. Erin has poured her time and talents into curating a space that is brim-full of richness and enthusiastic support. You can see why I love it so!

~ Aside from the New Moon, Full Moon and Seasonal Forecasts I write each month, the Kindred Club offers hundreds of resources including workshops and classes, rituals and markets, and a thriving community of folks you can engage with from anywhere in the world.

~Get all of this {and more} with accessible, sliding scale pricing {you KNOW how much I LOVE a sliding scale!!}, there’s room for everyone. Accessible pricing means more benefits for more people - and that’s good magick. Pricing ranges from $13-$66 a month. Joining at a higher level offers much appreciated support and compensation for the folks who make the Kindred Club such a magickal place.

~Find more information and join the Kindred Club HERE


Hey there…

