good for what haunts you

As an herbalist, as an astrologer, most of my work revolves around sitting down and asking, “Where does it hurt? What's haunting you?"
My work can feel a bit like mediumship in that regard; bodies and souls feel trapped in difficult situations, in unnatural lives, in stagnant nets and begin to terrorize the space with their longing for Peace. Knocking pictures off walls, turning out the power, scratching at the doors - trying to communicate over the disconnect. We call these attempts at communication ‘symptoms’ and they're often either dissociated from or frantically suppressed for as long as possible. How do you 'connect' with something that seems hell bent on disturbing your peace? Sometimes that point of pain is the introduction you've been needing. Stop fighting it and just look at what is trying to get your attention. Just for a moment - I'll sit here with you while you do.
Over the years, both through personal and professional experience, I've developed something of an ‘Agony Encyclopedia’ in my mind. All the various, nuanced ways in which Souls and their current bodies can ache- haunting instead of experiencing an integrated life.
I see themes and patterns and roots. Astrology gives me language to describe the underlying aches while plant folk offer their expertise at Engagement, helping to shift what is stuck and hurting.
It’s not an exorcism - if anything, it's a Welcoming. It’s rebirth into the body, into the mind. Leading what is lost home; opening doors that have been scratched at for years. One of the most common comments I receive from clients is that they feel more at home in themselves, more comfortable, more confident. "Engaged", "Awake", and "Aware" are other words folks have used.
While working with me is significantly less theatrical than the seance scene in "Beetlejuice" {and slightly less musical} the outcome may be just as dramatic. Being at peace with and within oneself is something very precious. To trust and be trusted by, to see and be seen by your SELF is life changing. I speak from experience.

My books are wide open for you, my friend. Come, tell me what hurts, what's haunting you?


an herb for curses, crucifixions and familiar poisons


Herbs for a Wounded Heart