Full Moon in Virgo / Burdock

My soul is brimful with lush rot~ this swamp is where Virgo is found. The part of me that is one hearty rain away from being consumed - but never is. It’s soaked by brackish Piscean tides, within view of wide and wild waters, but is itself mired in mud. Not quite land, not quite Sea. 

Virgo takes the muck, rot and never-clear-waters and creates Home. It buries secrets in silt and rotten logs, filters poisons from the waters with its own fleshy soil, & provides sanctuary for creatures few can stand or love. I have an affinity for “unproductive land that cannot easily be utilized for human activities” {Wikipedia} “Unproductive” land, they say, as if being the forgiving lover of fickle bodies of water, the benevolent host to hundreds of species, the processor of the chaos of life, death and rot was unproductive. 

I associate Burdock with Jupiter {ruler of Pisces} in Virgo; a Jovian plant of rugged stature and a fondness for our livers. I often work with Burdock when the inner swamp has reached capacity and our *definitely not unproductive*metabolic waste processing marshland has grown stagnant. We see patterns of inflammation, skin issues, & hormonal imbalances. Our body’s ability to cope is drastically reduced and our capacity for wellbeing is diminished. Burdock, benefic swamp tender, gently drains and replenishes this invaluable ecosystem. It is a wonderful ally {when indicated} for supporting the Support, for tending to the processes of our body that may be largely unseen or unrecognized until they “don’t work so well”. It also affirms the personhood of those of us who find themselves often holding swampy roles. 

Sometimes Virgo, in its skill of being able to process and organize, forgets that it is not simply a Processor. It is more than the spinning wheel on which the straw is turned to gold. It is more than the fixer or doer, more than healer or worker or servant or saint. As a swamp by definition is connected to a larger body of water, Virgo need only reach out its hand to brush its fingers against Raw, Unadulterated Source, the chaos from which it draws all things. It is closer to magic than any other sign and needs to be reminded of the fact.


Pisces New Moon / Dandelion


New Moon in Aquarius / Skullcap