Scorpio Full Moon / Blackberry


There is danger and detriment in denying one’s power. 

To be harmless does not make one ‘good’.. 

Perhaps the fall the Moon experiences in this sign is its often blatant refusal to accept its Dark Side. For a luminary which only wants to reflect the Light from its Daylover companion, to be denied such warmth and sent to rule a malefic landscape must feel like abandonment and exile. 

Yet who rules the Night, but Luna? 

In Scorpio, the Moon must dive to the depths of itself and recover its teeth, its claws, its rightful rulership of the Underworld. Animal instinct licks its lips and shows its fangs but the vulnerable, silvery underbelly of the Lesser Light holds its wounds for life. Never again, it says, and grows another thorn. The Moon is Scorpio often copes with gallows humor and dark irony, it can be culled from its flock  like a spotted lamb and branded as a “problem child”. Magnetic and yet repellant, it seems to gaze at the marrow in your bones while hiding behind an impenetrable, vault-like shell. To be known by the Moon in Scorpio is to be Seen by the Dark. 

Blackberry is one of my favorite Lunar Scorpio plants, its plump, enticing berries bleed at the slightest touch, staining eager lips and fingertips ~ here I see the sweet underbelly one must hold with the gentlest of hands. Its aggressive dominance of the hedge it calls home, its thick thorns and labyrinth of brambles speak to me of Martian defense. The “tread lightly” warning that its berries may bleed, but so will you if you’re not careful. The dynamic paradox of a fallen, vulnerable kingdom and raw, penetrating power is something a Scorpio Moon must wrestle with each night as the Sun sets. 

As an essence, I work with Blackberry to help my clients sink their claws into thing - tenacity, survival; not so much manifesting a reality as clinging to it, dragging it into the hedge and making it your own. I also offer it to seed wild, energetic brambles, a hedge of thorns for boundaries that bite back when pressed. I’ve seen it bestow fangs on the abused, and confound the abuser with endlessly winding arms of toothy defense.

Sharpen your thorns, protect the belly. You are the scariest thing in the Dark.




Aries New Moon / Impatiens